Dwelling Together in Unity

This statement used to have a more general meaning than it has today. You find the scripture to this in Psalm 133:1 where it says, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” When we do this in Christian unity, great things can come from it. But when we do this in religious unity, the purpose of the Scripture gets diluted and is not as effective.
You see, Christianity is only one way. Its origins and future are established by God. There is only one God, one truth, and one way to God through His Son, Jesus. Now religion can say there are other ways, different forms of God, depending on what your particular group believes. We all have the right to think this way, but is it right?
The Bible gives us clear directives on what is true and not. We are the ones that choose to be in unity with it or bring our own form of unity from bits and pieces that we like from it.
True unity among the brethren is true to God’s Word, regardless of what we like or don’t like about it. God’s Word is the standard that He set for us to live by, and many try to make changes, but that doesn’t change God.
We all get a free will to think with and base our decisions on. The influence of the Bible is the only true ingredient that makes the difference in the end, and how we’ve applied the Bible to our life will determine our eternal life to come.