Get in the Right Boat

The book of Jonah has only four chapters of the Bible’s many others, but you can learn a lot from a man who didn’t want to go where God wanted him to be.
God wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh and accomplish a task for Him. But Jonah didn’t like the people of Nineveh, so he took off on a ship for another town called Tarsus, and all kinds of problems began for him.
The point is that this story is played over again and again in the lives of people just like us today. God needs us to go to the Ninevehs of the world, places where a Christian is to make a difference. But few go. They have their own ideas, so they try to set out for Tarsus, the place they feel more comfortable with.
It doesn’t matter your age or status, God has a plan for you to do, and when you don’t, you are going to struggle with the consequences of your decisions. Yes, God understands why you don’t want to go to places like Nineveh, but He needs you to and will help you, just like He did Jonah when he finally did get there. But don’t let it take a whale of a circumstance to get your attention.
If you will let God book your passage on whatever journey He is asking you to take, the trip will be much better, and you’ll experience great rewards. So be sure to always ask God for His ticket for your life’s journey. He knows where you need to be.