What if God had it all?

Now that’s a strange question, for most assume that He does. But does He? You see, what I’m talking about is: Does God really have all of most people?
Let’s take you for instance. Just ponder this: If you were to completely turn your life over to God, just what could He really accomplish in your life?
There is a big world out there, God does have plans for it, and you’re right in the middle of it all, as are we all. So again, what do you suppose God could really accomplish with you if you’d forsake every tie to this world and completely (100 percent) turn your life over to Him, no strings attached, holding nothing back.
I’ll bet you’d be more than surprised just what God is capable of when someone is willing to surrender it all away for the sake of His Kingdom.
Now I’m sure some think they do, but if you’re holding on to anything with any grip at all concerning this world, then God doesn’t have you completely.
There have been a few over the years, and God really builds on these who surrender it all for the path that leads straight to His throne. Romans 8:27 says, “He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is.”
God knows 100 percent whether He does have all of you or not. But just think, if He did, where would you be today? And if He doesn’t have all of you, just think of what He might be able to do tomorrow if He did.