God has a GPS, too

Global Positioning Systems that are able to give us directions to anywhere we are have become pretty popular. These systems can also locate places and people to the point of being a little intrusive. If you have been around when one is in use, you know that if you make a wrong turn it immediately lets you know. The word “recalculate” is recited over and over until you are back on track.
God also has a GPS, although His alarm is uniquely subtle. His system is also more advanced and never makes mistakes because it can reach into eternity and around all of the nooks and crannies to guide you on your way.
The only problem is: many of us forget to turn it on. We rely on our own judgment and would rather not ask for directions. Our destination is set and we are on our way. No GPS for us!
What we fail to remember is God is the only one who knows the path we will take and has the instructions for when we meet a dead end. So pick up God’s GPS manual, the Bible, and follow the instructions to get back on the right road to your final destination: Heaven!
If we keep our spiritual GPS set on Jesus, we can’t go wrong.