What Destination is on Your Ticket?

I’ll bet most people know the story of Jonah and the Whale. I’ll also bet that most people don’t truly understand the lesson we are supposed to learn from that story.

The Bible tells us Jonah was told by God to go to a sinful town called Nineveh. But Jonah headed instead to a town he wanted to go to called Tarshish. He boarded a ship headed for Tarshish. God brought a storm and the ship was tossed about.

Jonah knew he had disobeyed a direct order from God and was pretty sure the storm was sent to change his mind and obey. He told the sailors to throw him overboard, and a whale swallowed Jonah. Three days later and with a repentant heart, Jonah was vomited onto the shore. Jonah had learned his lesson and headed for Nineveh.

The order was given, and Jonah had a choice: do what God asks, or do what I want?

Most of us face decisions and choices, maybe not as direct as Jonah’s, every day. Do we do this or that or go here or there?

The question is always the same. Which ticket will we purchase- the one that goes along with God’s way, or the one that says, “I’ll do it my way”?  Do we fight to have our way, or do we let God reinvent our course?

We are all going to purchase a master ticket to where we will spend eternity. Will you hold the ticket with Heaven as a destination or will it be Hell? There are only two final destinations.

Which one will your final boarding pass have listed?

Categories: Eternity>