Before Bethlehem

Now some may find it hard to understand, but Jesus’ first arrival to the universe was not at Bethlehem. Jesus was here at the time of creation and has always been a part of God.

In John 8:54-58, Jesus explains that He knew Abraham and describes himself as “I Am.” Those are the same words Moses heard while talking with the “burning bush” way back in Exodus: “I Am who I Am.”

Jesus was God sent as a baby to grow into an adult and live an exceptionally holy life. The life Jesus led is an example of the life God wants for us.  He promises to be there to help us live that life if we will let Him.

Jesus is our lifeline to God and eternity. So why do so many religious groups and non-Christians want to talk of God as though He was a theory and say that Jesus was only a prophet of many prophets?

I believe it is because if they deny the existence of Jesus and God, their make-believe and counterfeit gods become more real. Their eyes are closed to the truth. Satan has succeeded in deceiving the people and has led them away from the one true God.

Jesus, the Son of the living God, gave His life to save the lost, and intercedes for us today. Trust, believe and become a servant of the only one who can save you from your sins and guarantee you a heavenly residence.