What if Jonathan...?


Friendships are very important to us, and they should be. I don’t believe many people have an intimate, close, best friend they can call on anytime. Most of the relationships we have are acquaintances.

There is a real story of friendship found in the Bible. In 1 Samuel, we read the story of Jonathan, the king’s son, and David, who was to become king. They were best friends.

Jonathan was a good man. He was devoted to his Father, even though the king wasn’t a good man. Jonathan was also devoted to God and would do anything to see that God’s will, not his own or his father’s, was carried out. He relinquished his seat on the throne to David because it was God’s will. Jonathan continued to be a selfless servant, depending on God as he bravely fought the enemies of God’s people. He courageously continued following God in the position of servant leader right up until the time of his death on the battlefield.

David did become king. Jonathan helped that happen during his time of influence. What if Jonathan had lived longer during David’s reign? Would David have become a better King? Maybe.

But one thing is for sure: Jonathan would have been there serving in whatever capacity David needed.

Today, the church has fallen short when it comes to people choosing to become servant leaders. Did you know that 1,500 people leave the ministry each month because the load is too heavy?

Modern day Jonathans are badly needed in the church today. Men and women who are willing to serve in a servant’s capacity, carrying some of the load and not have to be the boss, are needed.

Will you help by becoming like Jonathan in serving the Lord? Step up and take your rightful place as a servant. Then let God provide the task.

He knows just where you need to be to carry out His plans.


“…perhaps the LORD will work for us, for the LORD is not restrained to save by many or by few."

1 Samuel 14:6


The best way to tell if you are a servant is to see how you react when you are treated like one.

Categories: The Christian Life>