Children Learn More from Actions than Words

Children are a great responsibility, and they can also be a great blessing. Unfortunately not all of us are or were such great parents. I myself messed up for several years, but God was faithful to keep the life strings attached for building a relationship later on.

Yes, many of us would like to go back and do things differently. Unfortunately, that is not the way it works.

What we say to our children is important, but what they see us do- good or bad- will be repeated behavior later in their lives. We set the example for how to treat their spouse, control their temper, gossip, lie or harbor un-forgiveness by our actions.

All of these can be learned behaviors that you may see repeated in your children as they become adults. Sometimes these traits are irreversible: what’s done is done. But with God, all things are possible, and making positive changes is one of those possibilities.

Jesus, the Son of God, is the only one who can change these behaviors. He is the giver of life and knows us better than anyone. He alone has the authority to fix what went wrong in a child’s life.

Pray for guidance and turn your life and your children’s lives over to Him. He helped me help my children, and He will do the same for you, too.

Categories: The Christian Life>