Frustrations to Blessings

In 1888, R.J. was born. His love of work in construction was embedded in him. He was sure there had to be a better way of moving and hauling earth and heavy materials.
He began working on a more efficient way to get the job done, leading to his inventing over 300 different types of construction-related machines. Many of them are common today, such as bulldozers, cranes, dump wagons, earth scrapers, logging equipment and oil platforms. During World War II, R. J.’s company produced over 70 percent of the military’s earth-moving machinery.
But his greatest discovery was his faith in Jesus Christ, and his willingness to serve Him. His faith was so strong, R.J. spent 90 percent of his profits to fund Christian endeavors, the training of Christian workers and countless mission projects. As fast as R.J. could sow the wealth, God would give R.J. more. He founded missionary efforts in the Middle East and South America and spoke of his faith to millions around over the world. The more God gave him, the more he was determined to invest in the kingdom of God.
R. J.’ s favorite Bible verse was Matthew 6:33, which says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” R.J. has been selected as one of the 100 most influential people of the last 100 years. He even founded a university in Texas, which has provided over 10,000 who have faithfully served the Lord in the United States and in over 55 countries.
R.J. left a spirited legacy and his name to Letourneau University in Longview, Texas- and his faith in Christ to millions around the world.
People that stay with the job God gives them to see it done are not just laborers, but they are those that think as laborers and act as heirs.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34