It may look good, but…

Everyone has been given a place in this world to make some kind of an effect- a difference, an impact- on others. And some people have been given levels of authority to affect a lot of people.
These people, the Bible says, will have a strict judgment leveled at them because they’re able to affect very many lives by their decisions and teachings. The Bible says, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Luke 12:48).
There are serious mandates put on leadership with the church, in the government, and in high seats of influence.
Some people don’t take the Bible seriously, like a judge in California who turned over the vote of the people (Proposition 8).
Or closer to home, Missouri’s former governor who issued executive order 10-24 while going to church and talking of his spiritual heritage, which is contrary to his executive order.
Or a president who says, “I am a Christian,” but mandates laws contrary to the Word of God.
Or executives who defraud people out of millions of dollars in investments.
Or even preachers who get caught in immoral scandals and try to cover it up.
We cannot call good “evil” and evil “good,” as the Bible has told us not to do that in Isaiah 5:20. Yet some will try and twist the words of scripture for their own personal ambitions or what seems right in their own eyes because their mind is not controlled by the God of the Bible, but by the God of their world.
You can only serve one of two masters: God, or his enemy, Satan. The Bible makes this very clear in Luke 16:13.
You cannot say one thing and then do another contrary to what truth is; either you’re on the side of God or you’ve chosen the other.
The scripture is surely true in Matthew 7:13-14 where is says narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to God, and few are able to find it.