Christians Never Lose


Now that may be a point where some people would want to argue right off that Christians can be on the losing end of life’s difficulties. God never indicates in the Bible that all will be well and life will be void of problems, but He does say we can always overcome them. Jesus said in John 16:33, …

Most Know the Answer


In everyday life there are many ups and downs, many cares, and some joy. Life at times is somewhat of a roller coaster experience. When life is good, most generally all is well; but when life turns sour and our life experiences become pretty heavy, life can be a very hard place to walk through. At …

We Must Dream


There are many of us who dream; we think thoughts of tomorrow and wish for better ones to come. There is nothing wrong with dreams. God Himself puts desires in our hearts of things He wants us to do here on earth. He’s the dream giver and the only one who can make these dreams come true the right …

Do You Believe?


If someone were to ask you if you believed in Jesus, there would be many that would say yes; and because of this, many believe they are saved by this confession and heaven awaits. There are also many who are baptized. As it says in Mark 16:16, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved,” so now …

To Have Favor


It is a very comforting thing to have favor in areas of our life. Some obtain favor because they know someone, or hold a high position; therefore they have special access at times to places others may not have. To have favor granted to you, to move forward in life, is an unseen blessing, and to …

Peace Be Still


You will find a parable Jesus taught in the gospel of a time when He and His disciples, as well as others, were crossing the Sea of Galilee. During their crossing, the Bible says a great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat, so much it was even filling with water. Now, Jesus was in the …

The Ark of Safety


The story starts in Genesis, Chapter 6. It is the story of Noah and the great flood. When God saw how sinful mankind had become, He decided to bring an end to this kind of behavior, and He did. God is a very patient God, but He says that He will not be mocked continually by what He created. Today …

Would You Like to Start Your Life Over?


How many of us would like to go back and redo our life, or at least some parts of it? Just think of it, to be able to go back and have done some things differently, to have the ability to take back some words we wished we would not have said or to have said something to someone we didn’t before. …

God's Timetable


Daily, each one of us is sowing seeds into the lives of others, and just because we may not be around any person on a given day doesn’t mean we are not still affecting them. For example, let’s say you have said some very bad words to another and these words really cut into that person’s heart. …

Some Leave Everyday


In this world we live in, 150,000 people die every day. Most of them are people you will never know here on earth, and some you will know very well. As more people populate the earth, the number leaving goes up. In reality, there can be two deaths a person is given: the physical death most of us …

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