The Quality of Each Builder


All of us go through life here on earth doing something. We all in someway build into this world, whether it be a house or a business; you might build something new or restore something old. At all times we seem to be building something. Some things bigger than others will be built, and some things …

Appointed for the Job


In 1911, Ronald Reagan was born. In 1980 Reagan gained the Republican presidential nomination and became president in 1981. He took office, and only 69 days after doing so, had an attempt made on his life when he was shot. He was quick to recover. Regan left office in 1989. Here is an excerpt from …

Sometimes God Lets Us Fail


This doesn’t mean that you are a failure as there is a much bigger picture here. One we can’t see with our human eyes but one that has been painted already. It’s the story of our lives and how God sees us. All the details and finishing touches have been put in place; in fact this picture was …

The Plan of Purpose


Did you know that God has completely worked out every detail of your life?  Before you ever drew a breath of air into your lungs God had mapped out every single day of your life’s journey. 2nd Corinthians 5:5 says that God has prepared us for this and if we will work at staying the course He gave …

The General


The General had a pew in Pohick Church, and one in Christ Church at Alexandria. He was very instrumental in establishing Pohick Church. He attended the church at Alexandria when the weather and roads permitted a ride of ten miles. In New York and Philadelphia he never omitted attendance at church …

The Last Days


Like it or not, believe it or not, ignore it or not, we are now in the period of time which the Bible clearly defines as the last days of the end of time. There are numerous references to this in the Bible- Hebrews 12:27, or the books of Daniel and Revelation. Yes, we are told of these days. In …

By Praying


By praying we are building a relationship with God through Christ. The more praying we do, the more the building of the relationship. Our reverence to prayer will make a difference in how we pray and even how our prayers are answered. We must be careful in our demands in prayer but look to more of …

A Man of Character


Born in Delaware, Ohio, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1865-67. As the governor of Ohio, he supported the currency, advocating that it be backed with gold. In 1876, he won the Republican nomination for President. He brought dignity and honesty to the Presidency, and his wife …

Obedience...More Important than Worship


Each week many people attend a church service. Almost every church has what they call a time of worship. Singing to God, which is to be a form of praise to honor God, can in some ways show respect for who God is to us. Worship from our singing praises is important, but what is most important is our …

Global Warming?


More and more people follow the idea of the earth getting warmer and warmer.  There could be something to this, but keep in mind this world is in the ultimate control of God. This world just didn’t happen by accident like some want you to believe. For instance: the earth is approximately 93 million …

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