It's Allowed for a Reason


How many people wonder time after time why God lets things happen; and yet, many people don’t understand God’s word. In the New Testament, you can find a passage in II Corinthians 4:4 which says that Satan is allowed to be the god of this world, and it even states along the same line in the Old …

I Know


I don’t know how many more days I have left here upon this earth. I don’t know what all I might have to face while I’m here. I don’t know what is going to happen if the economy takes a dive or war breaks out and America is drawn deeply into it. I don’t know about the real challenges of the future. …

The Battle of the Heavenlies


Our lives take on much more than we see with our physical eyes. Our lives are made with a fleshly body, but our souls are not. Our soul is spiritual, and down deep that is what really controls us. Now, you will hear people mention a person having a good heart toward others, but really they’re …

We are Called for a Season


Woody was born in Virginia in 1856, the son of a Presbyterian minister. He knew the Bible of his upbringing and he rose to become our 28th President of the United States.                 Here is what President Wilson said in a speech about the Bible: “A nation which does not remember what it was …

God's Light Shines Best in the Darkest Places


God is the only source that is limitless. He has no boundaries He cannot cross if that is what it takes to get something done. He knows how to shine into even the deepest and darkest place we could ever experience. Yet God’s greatest miracles are the very ones He performs in the quietness of a …

God Can Do More With You Than You Think


It was a cold winter day- in fact, it was Sunday- and the old church elder, John, didn’t think it would really be worth opening the church doors. Probably not many would come out into the snow, and he knew the pastor of the church lived too far. If there were to be a message from the pulpit, it …

Which World Do You Chose?


There is an old song that bears a lot of truth; it says, “This world is not my home; I’m just a passing through.” Every one of us will not spend forever here- not even in the ground; for there is another place- in fact, only two others. Now, some people in this world like it as it is and would just …

The Challenge to Live Right


For all of us, this world we live in is only the place that will prepare us for eternity, and however many years each one of us have measures up to nothing that eternity holds for us all. Most of us will choose how we want to live here, but the light of eternity will determine where we will spend …

The Changes of Time


Many years ago, part of my family lived in the May area, in Southwest McDonald County of Southwest Missouri. It’s down on Buffalo Creek, west of the Goodman area toward Tiff City. My great-great-grandpa had a mill where he would grind grain, and people even from the edge of Oklahoma came to have …

What is the Right Choice?


Every one of us has a free will. God does not impose his will and rule over us as a dictator. Even though He has the ability to make us do what He wants, He won’t. God only wants us if we want Him unconditionally; that is how He allows us to choose. He gives us options, avenues, and abilities, but …

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