Blessed Are Those Who Do Not Go Their Own Way


(Psalms 5:12) “For You oh Lord will bless the righteous, with favor You will surround him as with a shield.”   Every one of us is called to be about doing what God intended when He sent us here to be born; to live out an allotted amount of time to accomplish our purpose before our next move into …

What Makes Us Different


All of us look a little different on the outside. There are a variety of folks and all kinds of people, yet all have one particular thing in their body makeup that makes each living person the same. No doctor or scientist has ever discovered this, but everyone has a driving force, something that is …



When asked, nearly every person says they have some sort of a relationship between themselves and God. I’ve hardly ever met someone who doesn’t indicate this when asked or when in group discussions. We all have relationships with others, and there are various levels of these while on this journey …

Purposes of the Kingdom


Any person who believes they are here today just because he/she was born is missing life- as well as by-passed plans which were sent out many years before they even drew their first breath. Things do not just happen because a man and a woman have a baby. Your life, and everyone else’s, are set in …

God Has His Ways


Charles was an avid student of the Bible and an evangelist that held powerful revival meetings and helped change the course of American Christianity. He truly was a man sold out. So much that over half of a million souls were converted through this one man’s ministry. There’s a powerful story told …

The Book


Men and women helped to preserve this book ever since the writings first appeared upon the face of this earth. Thousands of years later, it still survives; its words are not outdated, but only to the ones who don’t want to understand them. The messages of these writings have been passed from …

The Quality of Each Builder


All of us go through life here on earth doing something. We all in someway build into this world, whether it be a house or a business; you might build something new or restore something old. At all times we seem to be building something. Some things bigger than others will be built, and some things …

Appointed for the Job


In 1911, Ronald Reagan was born. In 1980 Reagan gained the Republican presidential nomination and became president in 1981. He took office, and only 69 days after doing so, had an attempt made on his life when he was shot. He was quick to recover. Regan left office in 1989. Here is an excerpt from …

Sometimes God Lets Us Fail


This doesn’t mean that you are a failure as there is a much bigger picture here. One we can’t see with our human eyes but one that has been painted already. It’s the story of our lives and how God sees us. All the details and finishing touches have been put in place; in fact this picture was …

The Plan of Purpose


Did you know that God has completely worked out every detail of your life?  Before you ever drew a breath of air into your lungs God had mapped out every single day of your life’s journey. 2nd Corinthians 5:5 says that God has prepared us for this and if we will work at staying the course He gave …

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