Is it God in Whom We Still Trust?

America was founded to give people the right and freedom to worship the God of the Bible - freedom to worship the God of the universe without the mandates of the state or government, and freedom to go to a church unaffected by political correctness.
Many people no longer see a reason for God to be the center of all that exists. Our younger generation has very little understanding of why there are so many mottos taken from the Christian Bible. Mottos there so they may remember the great prices that were paid for our country’s resistance to tyranny.
Our first colony was started in 1600 in what is now the state of Virginia. They had the right to propagate the Christian religion to the people of the land. Thirteen years later the Pilgrims arrived, and William Bradford, the elected governor, established a political commonwealth by Biblical standards for the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel. Daniel Webster, who gave us the dictionary, wrote that the Gospel of Christianity leaves the sinner alone with himself and God.
Now there’s a thought that would make many people uncomfortable. They would rather deny God than live for Him. Christianity makes many people uncomfortable because they are too comfortable with their sin.
George Washington Carver spoke before the United States House of Representatives in 1921 and explained the many uses and possibilities for the peanut. The chairman asked Carver where he learned all these things, and he replied: in an old book.
“What old book?” the chairman asked.
“The Bible,” Carver replied.
“Does the Bible talk about peanuts?”
Carver said, “No, but it tells of the God who made the peanuts, and He has shown me what to do with them.”
The Bible is still showing those who look for advice the answer to any problem of life. It also shows us how to live eternally through Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.
Sometimes we forget that America was founded so many years ago on the very same Bible truths that we should honor and stand by today.