The Greatest Audit We Will Ever Face

Most people understand what an audit is and what it is supposed to accomplish. People in government are elected as city auditors, county auditors, state auditors and those who audit the national government.
Audits “check the books.” They give an accounting of how the money is used to run our various forms of government at whatever level. Some people invite auditors to make sure their business is in pristine order, while others hope to never see an auditor come through the door.
Some employers do audits on their employees’ work, and some companies audit performance. Most people don’t like them, but they do help to locate problems and hopefully get them fixed. President Grover Cleveland said those who manage the affairs of government are by these means reminded the law demands that they should be “courageously true” to the interest of the people and the ruler of the universe will require of them a strict accounting of their stewardship.
The Bible talks about this many times. Matthew 12:36 says for every idle word men speak, they will give an account. Romans 14:12 goes on to say, “So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.”
With this being the case, our greatest accounting audit is yet to come when God looks at the book of our lives to see what we have done for Him- mostly to see what we did about Jesus. Did we accept Him and submit to Him?
Without Jesus, all of the rest of the accounting won’t matter. Where would you stand if God asked for an audit of your life today?