What God will Render to You

Everyone of us will do different things during our lifetimes and some of us will accomplish things that others may want to accomplish or have already done.

There is a scripture in the Bible, Psalm 62:12, that says, “Also to you O Lord belongs mercy, for you render to each one according to his work.”

 God, as it states, will show us mercy many times during our life on earth because of the mistakes we make in not following His lead in doing what He knows is best for us. The verse also tells us from the work we do here, He (God) will render (give) to each one according to his work (what we have done).

Many people don’t think about the consequences as they speed through life doing pretty much what they want to do. They never giving it a thought when they spend money on what they feel is important and enjoy their wants instead of what God may want.

He will repay us for what we have done later on. Life on earth is just a few years away from the reality of eternity somewhere. God will continue to extend His mercy, but for how long?

Give to God the things that are God’s. It will make all the difference in the end. We will receive back according to His calculations what we have done for His cause.

Categories: Eternity>