Putting the Main Thing First

God very much wants to be all you’ll ever need, if you’ll only let Him. The question remains: will you let Him?

Most people would never allow others to treat them the way they treat God. We do things like not thanking God, not praying, not reading the Bible, using his name in curses and jokes and eating our food without a prayer of thanks.

God isn’t troubled as much that we sin because we have a sinful nature to begin with; but what troubles God the most is when we refuse to do anything about our sin. We reject His help and continue on. He sees the results ahead and knows the price we will have to pay unless we let Him into our lives.

You can never have too much of God in your life, and the only way to get there is through Jesus. He has made the way possible for any of us to come fully to God and let Him have control.

Psalm 33:13-15 says, “The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the souls of man. From the place of His dwelling, He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts individually. He considers all their works.”

This Bible verse reminds us that God knows everything about us.

You’ll find that God will give us many things. He will bless us with opportunities and people, but remember this: take everything that God allows you to have. Hold it at arms’ length and enjoy all that is God’s blessings. Never put them so close to your heart that they crowd out God.

God should always get your heart first, so keep him close. He won’t share space with others or things or even His blessings, even good things. God won’t share the space in your heart He deserves.

He wants you to have a personal relationship like no other, and no other relationship can come between you and Him. If you will do this, you’ll find that life is easier to live because you’ve learned to look beyond what this world has to offer. You’ll find the very source of life itself through the person of Jesus Christ to the God that created you in the first place. You’ll discover more peace and hope and feel more secure in your place with Him.

Categories: The Christian Life>