The Hair is Growing Again


Now I know this sounds different, but read the rest. It all comes from (familiar to some) an account in the Bible in the book of Judges. It is the story of a supernaturally strong man named Samson, who was to deliver God’s people from oppression by their enemies. As a boy, Samson was set aside to …

The Sand or the Rock


How you conduct your life is how you will build on future events that will affect your life and even others. Everyone’s life will be tested at times by the trials of life, and how you’ve established the real, deep growth of your past living will show up during these tough places. Nobody can …

God's Mirror


In this world, truth is becoming more diluted; and we are, if you’ll be honest, seeing a great downgrading affect of our culture. From deception to immorality, society is in big trouble. It’s nothing new. It has happened before, but the key is the way it is happening. The eroding of morality, our …

Don't Give Sin a Humanistic Name


There is a name to be given to almost any kind of action that is committed. We are now in a day where every problem is a result of some kind of disorder (bio- this or -ism that). We put basically an excuse on many human behaviors when the bottom line is SIN. The sin nature takes on many forms and …

Dwelling Together in Unity


This statement used to have a more general meaning than it has today. You find the scripture to this in Psalm 133:1 where it says, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” When we do this in Christian unity, great things can come from it. But when we do this …

He Does Speak, but Can We Hear?


God’s ways are not our ways. The Bible tells us this in Isaiah 55:8. So how God decides to do things will be as He knows best. God does speak, but it is rarely as man speaks, because God uses His own methods to do so without man’s help. The Bible again and again tells us this. In 1 Kings 19:12, it …

Strength Beyond Ours


The strength of prayer is not limited by human hands; rather it can reach to any place, any where, at any time. For prayer to be exercised with full force, it takes discipline and maturity to learn how to use such a powerful weapon. Prayer can overcome any obstacle that comes against it. Prayer …

What's Your Plan?


You need to know that God has a plan, but my question is, “Do you”? God has a plan for people, everyone in the world. Do you? God has a plan to see the world change for His purpose; what’s your plan for the way the world goes- or do you create your own world? God has a plan for every step you take, …

The Last Should Be Better


This question, I believe, is a must, especially in a Christian’s life: How will you finish out your last days on earth? Ecclesiastes 7:8 talks of this, that the end of a thing is better than its beginning. Can this be said of you? As the years begin to pile up in one’s life, what your life says …

How Polished Are You


Have you ever wondered why maybe some people are not used of God or maybe why you are not used more? The answer could very well be found in Isaiah 49:2 where it says this: “In the shadow of His hands He has hidden me a polished shaft. In His quiver, He has hidden me.” A quiver is what holds the …

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