The Real Shepherd


A true shepherd is indeed to be a minister of God, only using the Word of God according to His commands from God, having been appointed by God to this position. The shepherd is obedient to His master’s command concerning the sheep. He should be one that trusts God rather than his own senses. His …

A Completed Work


As William Tyndale was born, then educated, at Oxford, where he was converted; there was a special call upon his life. He spent time in translation work and in preaching. He clashed with a group of preaching friars who objected to his theme of “justification by faith alone.” When they complained to …

The Cross is not a Lucky Charm


I remember many years ago when I used to wear a necklace with a turquoise cross on it and later when I hung one from my driver’s mirror. All the time I expected this symbol to somehow save me from harm or sin. But I didn’t know what the cross was really for until it became personal years later. I …

The Object of Being a Christian


Why does a person want to become a Christian? I wonder how many people really considered the true reasons behind such a decision. I believe the two major answers come from these conclusions. One says, “I don’t want to go to hell; I need saved from this place at the end of my life.” Another says, “I …

What if God had it all?


Now that’s a strange question, for most assume that He does. But does He? You see, what I’m talking about is: Does God really have all of most people? Let’s take you for instance. Just ponder this: If you were to completely turn your life over to God, just what could He really accomplish in your …

A Great Revivalist


Charles Finney, a revivalist of several years ago, once wrote of one of many experiences he had from his close walk with God as a preacher. He was a man who was sold out to God’s work early in this century. Charles Finney wrote, “I once preached, for the first time, in a mill town. The next …

The Stewardship of Wealth


When you mention wealth, the first thought you have is “lots of money,” and it is a main ingredient of this category. But wealth can encompass other areas, like good health and strength. There’s a lot to be said here, especially when one who used to have these things no longer does. If you could …

Get in the Right Boat


The book of Jonah has only four chapters of the Bible’s many others, but you can learn a lot from a man who didn’t want to go where God wanted him to be. God wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh and accomplish a task for Him. But Jonah didn’t like the people of Nineveh, so he took off on a ship for …

The Untapped Power of God


There are many resources that remain to be found for mankind to use. Some will be found, others may never be found. There’s one power that remains hidden to so many that they either don’t know about it, don’t understand how to use it, or are afraid to try it. This power is the ultimate of all …

You Can Only Be One of Two


There’s only one of two types of people any of us can be. God does not allow those who want to ride the fence to see what side they want to be on today and what side tomorrow. The Bible says, concerning you and God, that you are either hot or cold about Him and that He will not accept lukewarm …

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