False Generosity


It is a good thing to be a person that is of a generous heart; one that cares about others’ needs and truly has a willingness to make a difference where they can. These people are few. Now, some would argue with me and say there a lot of generous people – good people and church people who are …

There is But One


How many of us have heard the political comment jargon that we should respect everyone’s right to worship God as they believe. Now let me clarify right off: that’s religion and not Christianity. You can cut it and slice it up any way you’d like, but it still doesn’t change the fact that there is …

Worthless Fireworks


Most of you enjoy the sights and sounds of the Fourth of July season. It’s fun, and almost everyone loves to see the night sky lit up with burst expressions of lights and colors. If you take the ingredients of fireworks to a higher level, you can make bullets and bombs of all kinds. It mainly …

Beyond All Things


The number one duty of a Christian- above and beyond anything else required of their lives- is first and foremost is to win souls to Christ. Everything we do as Christians requires that we seek to see the lost accept Jesus as Lord. Without souls being won into the Kingdom, all the projects we …

The Pastor of the Hills


As a young boy I grew up in a different place than where I live today, but not so far away that I don’t remember a piece of our Christian heritage that young ones today don’t know much about, yet some of us remember well. As a boy I remember an old pastor that had a tent. There used to be tent …

Love has Little Power When Spoken, but Greater When Shown


The eternal power of God’s love in us comes from the presence of His Holy Spirit. That’s what gave Jesus’ disciples power. When they were touched inside by the power of God, their lives were drastically changed. Our love for God will not only set its course for our life but also will affect our …

Behind the Rock


One of the greatest accounts in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus was brought back from a death of cruel crucifixion, mankind can die to self and live forever. He had been buried in a tomb of rock for three days when the power of Almighty God came upon Him and restored His life. …

God has a GPS, too


Global Positioning Systems that are able to give us directions to anywhere we are have become pretty popular. These systems can also locate places and people to the point of being a little intrusive. If you have been around when one is in use, you know that if you make a wrong turn it immediately …

John and Roger


Roger and John had many of the same beliefs, but some of their convictions were stronger than each others’ beliefs. Roger believed in what he referred to as “Soul Liberty” during his lifetime. He was also on the cutting edge of human rights. Roger would risk his life rather than submit to the …

Sowing in Fallow Ground


Any farmer, gardener or nursery worker knows that you have to prepare the soil before the seed is planted. The farmer plows, the gardener tills, and the nursery worker turns the soil to get it ready for the seed. There is also a process the planter needs to know about the crop they are going to …

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