A Holy Person


Could you say that you truly know or are a holy person, one that has been seasoned by God and full of the spiritual ways of God’s Kingdom? In the book of Daniel there was such a one. The book of Daniel was named after him. Daniel was able to know how to tell kings about the meaning of the times …

Mankind Changes - God Does Not


For some reason, there are some people who believe that God no longer heals. They don’t want to pay attention to the scripture that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. They don’t remember that God never changes. But mankind tries to change what God says. Not God. When we say that God no …

The Greatest Hindrance to the Church


There is only one God. His name is Yahweh. There is no other true God, and He has given us instructions about how to live from His words in the Bible. God has said that He will use His people to change the world. His has referred to His people as His Church, and His people have organized themselves …

Our Greatest Stock Investment


For those who can, and have the money, they invest it. They buy stocks in companies through brokers. They invest in the future growth of business. Some take a more cautious view and buy certificates of deposit and draw interest on their money that’s loaned out to others. Some buy property for later …

Our Choice of Words


You want to know about the power of words? They can have much more strength than muscles ever can. How you speak the words that come out of your mouth, according to Proverbs 18:22, can speak life and death. Anyone who has spoken much knows that there is a lot of truth behind this statement. Words …

Do Not Imprison God


Your life has great value here on earth. You’re not just a social security number or a name to receive mail from the post office. God has ordained your life to be here and to serve His purpose. Some, it’s sad to say, never even know their Creator. Oh, they know about Him, but there is no personal …

The Real Shepherd


A true shepherd is indeed to be a minister of God, only using the Word of God according to His commands from God, having been appointed by God to this position. The shepherd is obedient to His master’s command concerning the sheep. He should be one that trusts God rather than his own senses. His …

A Completed Work


As William Tyndale was born, then educated, at Oxford, where he was converted; there was a special call upon his life. He spent time in translation work and in preaching. He clashed with a group of preaching friars who objected to his theme of “justification by faith alone.” When they complained to …

The Cross is not a Lucky Charm


I remember many years ago when I used to wear a necklace with a turquoise cross on it and later when I hung one from my driver’s mirror. All the time I expected this symbol to somehow save me from harm or sin. But I didn’t know what the cross was really for until it became personal years later. I …

The Object of Being a Christian


Why does a person want to become a Christian? I wonder how many people really considered the true reasons behind such a decision. I believe the two major answers come from these conclusions. One says, “I don’t want to go to hell; I need saved from this place at the end of my life.” Another says, “I …

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