
Society and Culture

Why Won't We Look to Who Can Help?


In a day when there is much to shake the foundations of government, it still surprises me at how our elected and appointed officials scramble to find …

Those Who Lead the Sheep


This year, people will again be given the right to vote, make a decision and take a side. Politics have shaped much of our country and influenced …

The Real Problem We Face


There are many talk shows, columnists, news events and speeches given about the “why” of life. We listen as crazy people do terrible things to each …

What are a Leader's Qualifications?


In an election year, every person running for office is either running on their previous record or talking it up about the goals and qualifications …

Christians Must Take a Stand Now


Never before in history has America faced such a spiritual decline. America does not have a political problem, but a moral problem, and the …

What is the Difference?


Only God truly understands people. No one else understands each person on the earth today or at any other time like the One who created them. The …

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