Little Foxes

A fox is a cute little animal, and they range all over the Unites States and in many other parts of the world. The fox prowls mostly at night and can be very persistent when trying to get to food. They are considered to be very cunning and smart.
In the Bible, God talks about being aware of the little foxes that can come in and destroy the vines in the vineyard. They attack the base of the vine close to the ground. Eventually the vine dies and the fruit falls off so that the fox can get to it.
Jesus uses the parable of the fruit and the vine to describe the relationship we have to God. He is the vine and we are the fruit. When we attach ourselves to Him through surrendering our lives to Jesus, His Son, we are able to produce much fruit for His Kingdom. The fox in this case is the Devil. He prowls around in our lives trying to destroy any good thing (fruit) that comes from our vine.
Satan, like the fox, is cunningly sly; and unless we are firmly attached to the vine (God), the enemy can destroy any fruit we may try to produce. Only our relationship with Jesus, which is strengthened by reading the Bible regularly, can keep us firmly attached to the vine and bearing much good fruit, here on earth, to further the Kingdom of God.
Song of Solomon 2:15—Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.
God cannot completely bless a person until He has first conquered his spirit.