

All Words Do Matter


“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of Judgment.” “For by your words you will be …

The Battle of the Heavenlies


Our lives take on much more than we see with our physical eyes. Our lives are made with a fleshly body, but our souls are not. Our soul is spiritual, …

By Praying


By praying we are building a relationship with God through Christ. The more praying we do, the more the building of the relationship. Our reverence …

Your Security in Storms


To be a person of prayer is the most valuable thing you could ever be to the people of this world. Connecting that together with your obedience to …

Prayer Examples


Many people talk about praying and so they do, but how do they? Our prayers make a big difference and how we pray makes even a bigger difference.  …



When I think of prayer and the awesome impact it can have on any life, it amazes me that Christians don’t use this powerful tool more. I watch …

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