Powerful Words

Prayer is not an exercise; it is the most powerful way of worship when done from a heart that is seeking God’s way in ones life. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 16:19 that He has given the very keys to heaven and that they can unlock the very power and resources we need; it all begins in prayer.
God wants us to pray with purpose, to be thankful and direct our prayers to areas in life that matter most. Prayer speaks with great authority when directed to the true God of all power and authority. God understands our prayers and the reasons we pray our prayers.
The Bible is the center point of anyone’s prayer life; the two go hand-in-hand and have unlimited possibilities when placed together with a true-hearted believer. God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ when He becomes our Lord and Savior who can guide us in every way.
God has even made provisions through our prayers for our lives if we will pray and believe- because God loves to listen and answer our requests, especially when we put our own needs and wants aside and pray asking God what is it that He wants concerning matters we can be a part of. This shows great spiritual growth in our praying, to be concerned more with what concerns Him than ourselves. God is concerned right down to the smallest of details because He is always concerned with what concerns you.