It All Hinges on One Ingredient

Reading in Proverbs 3:13-18, the Bible explains the importance of communication with God, our Father. The words in Proverbs 13 begin with, “Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.”

And who doesn’t want happiness and to have His inside knowledge on how best to live this life? Prayer between you and God will set up the conditions to know these things. In verses 14 and 15 we read “that her (wisdom’s) proceeds are better than the profits of silver and gains of gold. She (wisdom) is more precious than rubies.”

Not even the most precious forms of jewels and riches can compare with what you can gain by knowing your Father God. The best way to know Him is to talk to Him in prayer and living out His Word.

Finishing the verse, we read: “…and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her (wisdom).”

You see there is nothing that can compare with knowing God and meeting Him in prayer. Continuing on, we read: “…length of days is in her right hand. In her left hand riches and honor, her ways are always pleasantness and her parts are peace.

Who wouldn’t want this? We can enjoy all these things if we spend time with our Heavenly Father, learn His Word and be obedient. All these things come from praying.

Proverbs goes on to tell us, “She (wisdom) is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all who retain her.”

It is so important to have an open communication with God. All the things wisdom offers can be ours if we remember to pray and seek after God through Jesus Christ, His Son.

Categories: Prayer>