You Win Regardless of the Score

That sounds nice: to never be on the loosing end. Well it can be that way, and it is when you’re on the right team. Some people would like to switch teams sometimes but you can’t. You can only be on one team at a time. 

For the first 30 years of my life I spent a great deal of my time on the wrong team and experienced many defeats; ones that hurt my character, hurt others, but most of all hurt God. Once in a while I’d make a step toward God but would then walk away again, going right back to setting myself up for the next hurtful blow. It took a lot of those before I finally gave up.

I am so thankful to God for His patience and love toward me that He stood by waiting for my call, and when I did He knew that this time I would come home. He reached out and pulled me in, and I will never forget the experience the night that I called and He answered. The great thing is that story is played out time and time again every day to others who will call upon Jesus to save them- and He always does. 

Every person has this same wonderful opportunity: to experience the life-changing power of having Jesus totally clear out every sin and give you a new experience at life to live it out on the right team, one that has many other members who came from all kinds of situations and found a place of refuge.

God is always calling out to us to add to His team. No matter the score that life has against you, it can be erased in a moment. When you place yourself on the team with Jesus, it becomes impossible to ever be on the losing team.

Categories: Salvation>, Hope>