We Must Dream

There are many of us who dream; we think thoughts of tomorrow and wish for better ones to come. There is nothing wrong with dreams.
God Himself puts desires in our hearts of things He wants us to do here on earth. He’s the dream giver and the only one who can make these dreams come true the right way. God puts in us the very dreams He wants us to accomplish, many times several different dreams, but His way- not making them into what we want.
Dreams fulfilled by God’s hand come to such a higher level of greatness because He is the original dream-giver. You can’t imagine how much God wants to invade your life and give you a fulfilling sense of purpose, a deep feeling of real self-worth. Man-made dreams cannot ever be satisfied; you’ll never reach a real self-worth trying to live out your own dreams.
Why do you think you have been given talents, favor and all those other abilities that God has gifted you with? He has done these things in you to see His purpose and plans come to fulfillment.
If you really want to feel as though you have been a success at the end of your life in the eyes of God, then turn your life’s dreams over to Him; quickly you will find more joy in your life. Dreams made by God are by far the best ones to come true. The most satisfied life is the one that is lived out in making God’s dreams come true in you.
In the end, you’ll really find those dreams made by God, for you, had far greater impact on this world and for eternity.