Purposes of the Kingdom

Any person who believes they are here today just because he/she was born is missing life- as well as by-passed plans which were sent out many years before they even drew their first breath.
Things do not just happen because a man and a woman have a baby. Your life, and everyone else’s, are set in an order; places positioned for purposes beyond our knowledge until the time is right for certain events to happen, which will cause us to be about plans that were preset many days before they were to start.
In Genesis 17, we find the promise to an old man and woman who are to have a son, chosen that way because God says in verse 14, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Absolutely not. God can do whatever He wishes and wills to do, and no one has the say over God; we cannot manipulate him into doing what we want.
So many people go through out each day never really considering that God may have something special for them. They don’t pray, read the bible, go to church, or anything else to draw them to really know the very one who holds a set of plans- specifically drawn up to make their lives more fulfilling- and will never have a truer friend to help them.
Even for many of us, we miss too much of the real things God would have us do because we won’t look beyond the mirror of life; all we see is our own needs and wants, or perhaps the needs of some close family member. God is a big God, one who has made an atlas of your life and is taking you places you never expected to go.
There is still time to get on the right road if you will seek His will above your own. It starts with Jesus first in all you do, and from there…who knows what will happen?
Why not try to find out? Life just might take on a new look.