Do You Prepare the Way?

There are 2 lines in Matthew 3 that are spoken of in the Bible that should be told by everyone who really is a Christian. The lines say, “Prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight.”

This is not even a suggestion for those who call themselves Christian. It is a command.  But how many ever follow it?

You see, God doesn’t want people to just become Christians. He wants them to continue on and prepare the way for others and to live our lives as examples of His likeness. Yet how many do?

Does the world and its ways always have your attention? Are you more concerned about the economy or your health than preparing the way of the Lord so people can hear of and meet Jesus, their only hope in this sinful world?

When we call ourselves Christians, the responsibility to bear fruit is greater than for those who don’t want to accept Christ as Savior. We have to be very careful in what we claim about ourselves because we will have to answer for what we do or don’t do as well.

The rest of the chapter of Matthew 3 tells us what will happen to those who don’t take the things of God seriously because how we live does make a difference, not just in our own lives but others- and especially for their sake.

We will have to answer to God depending on the level that is required of us.