
Everyone has them now and then, some of us struggle with them, and certain daily occurrences can cause us to have one. Yes, those attitudes we can get can say a lot about who we are.

But let us look at the attitudes of God. Some of ours may not be very pleasant for people to be around. Yet with God, He offers different ways for you to see Him for whom He can be to each of us, and sometimes His attitudes are very personal, just when we need them be.

Because Jesus came from God directly to us, He became a person, and you can know Him as one who lived just like you do. God is all-powerful; there is nothing he can’t do. He is righteousness, so we can live by the standards He sets.

Our God is merciful. He forgives your sins when you are sincere to ask forgiveness. God is always present; you’re never alone.

No matter where you are in life, God is there. God is always fair, no matter what’s happened. He will bring justice to any situation when the time is right. He knows all things; there’s nothing ahead of us that God isn’t aware of.

No matter what we face or concerns we have, God understands. You can count on God. He’s the only one who is faithful at all times regardless of what is going on.

God never changes; He’s always the same: fair, honest, and secure. Our future is safe when we put it in His hands.

He’s absolute; you can believe and trust Him, because whatever He says and does is right. You never have to second-guess God. We never have to wonder about God’s devotion to His ways, because He is holiness above all the world’s ways.

He is unconditional love; His love can outmatch any of what mankind can ever offer. God is sovereign; no one is greater in any area than He is.

So to put our lives into His hands and let the chips fall where they may, we could never be more secure in this world and for eternity.

Categories: The Christian Life>, Hope>