The General

The General had a pew in Pohick Church, and one in Christ Church at Alexandria. He was very instrumental in establishing Pohick Church. He attended the church at Alexandria when the weather and roads permitted a ride of ten miles.
In New York and Philadelphia he never omitted attendance at church in the morning, unless detained by indisposition. The afternoon was spent in his own room at home, the evening with family, and without company. Visiting and visitors were prohibited for that day; no one in church attended the services with more reverential respect.
He was a silent, thoughtful man. He generally spoke little; never of himself. His wife never omitted her private devotions, or her public duties; and she and her husband were so perfectly united and happy.
She had no doubts, no fears for him. After forty years of devoted affection and uninterrupted happiness, she resigned him without a murmur into the arms of his Savior and his God, with the assured hope of his eternal felicity.
Is it necessary that any one should certify, “General Washington avowed himself to be a believer in Christianity,” and lived his life that way? He became America’s first President and first Christian leader to set an example of how one can serve both his Savior and his country.
His mottos were “Deeds, not Words;” and “For God and my Country.” George Washington knew what his priorities were and lived them as such. These are the types of leaders this country needs today.