The Fruit of Salvation

There are some people who believe that they can come to salvation, and that is all they need to get to heaven. But where do you find that explanation in the Bible? In fact, the Bible does give us references about our lives’ salvation and a life lived for Christ.

Let’s take a look at John 15:2; it starts by saying, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He [God] takes away.” So there’s more to salvation. But now what should we bear, what kind of fruit?

In Verse 8, Jesus says, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit so you will be my disciples.” In Verse 16, Jesus says that you are appointed to go and bear fruit, so we are commanded to. Verse 6 tells us, “If anyone does not abide in me, he is cast out.”

Read John 15. It tells about our instructions of being fruit for His branches. Some people believe that whatever they do will count, but it’s only what God’s definition of fruit is that counts, not what we try to grow and then give to Him.

God didn’t accept Cain’s fruit offering because Cain did and gave as he wanted. God says, “I choose you, for you didn’t choose me.”

God’s choices are what he expects us to produce for his kingdom while we’re here on Earth. All other fruit that’s produced our way won’t be accepted for any value when we stand before him, unless it’s grown His way on His vine.

Categories: Salvation>