The Christian and the Casino

There is a growing population of our so-called school fundraisers; by another name they are called casinos. Right now in the county next to where I live there are 13. I’ve heard some of the smaller ones state they bring in over a million dollars a week.

Where is that money coming from? There are not enough regular gamblers around without getting a good portion of our local population involved. They use the cover that they are doing it for the good of employment and taxes, plus our schools receive a good portion, according to their promises.

But that is not really where I want to go. I’d like to go back to: “Where do all these casinos get enough people?”

One place I’ve learned about is from the church population. I’ve listened to how some go and gamble just for entertainment- while others, like wives, have told me they go because their husband will take them out to eat, and even if they don’t gamble they say they are already there so they play a few slot machines.

I guess if their husbands would take them out to a strip club to eat they’d go as well? No! There are lots of good church people going to these casinos, and they’re funding them whether they want anyone to know or not.

With all the monies that are gambled away by these church folks, somebody is coming up short financially, but most of all hearts are growing cold to the things that matter most to God.

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