Sermon Tasters

They are everywhere. You’ll meet them at every church, at Gospel singings, revival meetings and home Bible studies. There are a lot of them, and the number seems to be growing. It’s those folks that are what is called sometimes, as the Bible says, ones with “itching ears!”
They only want to hear what they like to hear. They are listening to sermons, but only getting what they want and how they want it. And if they don’t like it, they go somewhere else.
I’ve met several of these “Sermon Tasters.” They want what they want and what makes them feel good, to only be positive or talk of things like how life can give us much more or condemn most others.
I’m for the church because it is going to win out in the end. Jesus himself said that the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I believe in the church, but not those who play at it. I believe in the One who created it to prevail against the darkness.
There’s many going from church to church or not even going to church because they really don’t like the church. They like their own version. Now they’re only “sermon tasters”; nothing more and nothing less. They are doing little to advance the Kingdom of God, while their own motives to advance are what it all boils down to.
It takes unity and obedience to God to do your part to build His Kingdom and not our own.