Real Worship

Every week, people across the world attend church to offer worship to God. But what is worship? Most people really think of worship as music and singing. Let’s see what the Bible says about worship.

In John 4:23-24 of the Bible, Jesus said, “…true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

So, true worship doesn’t begin when you enter the church or end when you leave. Your true worship of God is found in the way you live your life: what you wear, the house you live in and how you keep it, how you treat family and other people, your attitude and what kind of neighbor you are, the places you go and the words you speak, how you react when challenged and what you do for God, how you act in front of people or even when they are not around.

It shows in your work ethic and how you treat co-workers. Your daily conduct and how you react in a crisis reflects your faith in God and love for His Son, Jesus. The respect we have inside for God and the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us is reflected on the outside as worship.

Attend church, fellowship with other believers and give to God’s work. Always remember, worship doesn’t begin when we enter the church or end when we leave it. Worship dictates how we live every day of our lives.

Singing is only a form of worship. Real worship is realized when we put into actions the words we sing.

Categories: The Christian Life>