Out of Position

In any sport, even in business, when people won’t assume the duties of their position, no matter who you are or where you are, not only is your own life affected but also the lives of others. Depending on your position, sometimes many are affected.
There is no human being on the earth today that is just here by chance. Every single one of us has a purpose. There are abilities given to us to play our position.
All of us know that if, in a ballgame, a player won’t play his position, it causes problems for the whole team. Others may try to fill the gap, but then another position is affected.
This goes on constantly in life. We’ve got people all over playing at life their own way. Every person has been granted talents to use- for the Talent-Maker’s purposes. The Bible tells us of these different gifts, and each one of us has been assigned one or more of these.
Problems arise when we do as we want, choosing our positions and not following the manual- the Bible. We’ve got problems because people won’t follow the manual. They won’t follow God’s plans. They decide to play their own games and, therefore, we all pay the price of so many who think they know better.
But are things really better? Until we all assume our God-given positions and use our talents rightly, there will be problems. And for those who will hold their position, as instructed by the Bible, hold on. You are winning, and great is your reward.