Making Peace with Sin
There is a battle raging in the heavens more so now than ever before. It is a battle for the souls of mankind. As the time for the rapture, when Christians are taken from the earth, draws closer, the conflict will grow more intense.
This world we live in is going to challenge us for our soul. The world, and the life we live in it, will put higher demands on us. We are constantly being put into positions of responding to what is right or wrong.
Some of our entertainment outlets have gone completely overboard and are pushing the limits in every genre. The best way for our enemy, Satan, to draw us into sin is to camouflage it to look like it’s alright in God’s eyes.
We are tricked into accepting more and more of Satan’s diversions and bypassing the Godly disciplines. Many have made peace with sin and by doing so have set themselves up in a glass house. They deceive themselves into believing that it really doesn’t matter to God what we wear, where we frequent, how we act, how we spend our money or what words we speak.
But glass houses eventually break, and as our house cracks and shatters around us, we will find that making peace with sin will actually give us no peace at all.