It's Time Again

The Great Awakening of the 18th century had a profound impact on both sides of the Atlantic, and though it started in America, it soon spread to England and Germany.
Not only was the spiritual life of the church quickened, but the social fabric of the nations was touched as well.
The beginnings of the awakening can be traced to gradual changes taking place in the colonies. There was a breakdown of traditional religious values; the church went into decline as colonists lost their religious fervor, and church membership dropped.
Pastor Theodore Frelinghuysen began to preach the need for regeneration and in 1726 began to experience a revival with many conversions and a return to godly living.
In the same year, Gilbert Tennent of New Brunswick enjoyed similar results, and in 1734 the great theologian Jonathan Edwards began to experience revival at Northampton, Massachusetts.
But the most important contribution to the Awakening was probably made by George Whitefield, who became the focus of the revival, changed the conventions of religious preaching and opened the way for mass evangelism.
For a while, Whitefield began to feel a hunger for God and became aware that there was some intention for his life. To prepare himself, he fasted regularly and prayed.
Whitefield was 21 when he was converted, and he preached his first sermon at the church where he had been baptized. His evangelical fervor was apparent; some mocked, but many were impressed.
On a preaching tour in the West Country early in 1739, he discovered that many pulpits were still closed to him. It was this refusal that led him to break tradition and preach in the open air. Whitefield’s reputation as a preacher had gone before him.
In New England, great crowds gathered to hear the 25-year-old evangelist, and for over a month he spoke to as many as 8,000 people every day. Although opposed by a number of Anglican ministers, his tour was immensely successful, and many were converted.
The height of the Awakening came in 1740-41 when both Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were ministering in the colonies; thousands were converted and many new churches established as the revival spread south from New England into Virginia.
It’s time for another Great Awakening! What price are you willing to pay to see it happen?