It's Allowed for a Reason

How many people wonder time after time why God lets things happen; and yet, many people don’t understand God’s word.
In the New Testament, you can find a passage in II Corinthians 4:4 which says that Satan is allowed to be the god of this world, and it even states along the same line in the Old Testament in the book of Job, Chapter 1, where Satan tells God that he’s been roaming across the earth causing trouble.
Our God is the God of the universe and for a time has allowed Satan to still exist, but not much longer. When people say that a tornado, storm or disease may be an act of God, it is not.
God can stop whatever He so desires, but He allows those things at times because of our sinful ways. A storm, cancer, or accident may be what it takes for some to turn, because God is interested in the eternal journey of mankind more than the earthly journey.
People don’t understand because they don’t know God’s Word. God never promised us a life with no challenges. In fact, He wants to challenge our faith; for us to look to Him when there is nothing else to do.
Yes, He might not do it our way, but you can count on Him doing it the right way. Remember what Deuteronomy 32:4 says: “He is the rock, his work is perfect and all his ways are justice.” A God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He.