God Can Do More With You Than You Think

It was a cold winter day- in fact, it was Sunday- and the old church elder, John, didn’t think it would really be worth opening the church doors. Probably not many would come out into the snow, and he knew the pastor of the church lived too far. If there were to be a message from the pulpit, it would probably have to be through him.

He wasn’t any good at that kind of thing; he wasn’t called to preach, but as usual the church elder went ahead and got the stove fired up with coal. He did what he could so that the people, if any came, would be somewhat comfortable.  Well, a few did come, making a small crowd.

After a few hymns, elder John got up and read some scriptures explaining the best he could how it relates to us and how we live, why God cares and helps us.

As with any service, he gave a quick invitation to anyone who would like to know more about Jesus, God’s Son, who was sent to redeem us and give us new life.  A small boy came forward and the old elder took the time, along with maybe a few others, to pray with the small boy so he would understand about this new life he was seeking.

After the service the church elder turned down the fire, closed up the church and headed home not really feeling he had accomplished much with just a handful of people. But little did Elder John know that the boy he had prayed with would grow up and hundreds would try to crowd into churches just to hear this boy who was now in his 20s, preaching to thousands and affecting many more lives than Elder John ever did.

If it hadn’t been for the Elder’s obedience to go ahead and stand up- even to a few- and proclaim the gospel, we today may not have the great writings and spiritual inspiration of Charles Spurgeon, known as the prince of all preachers.  Never underestimate how and when God may want to use you.

Categories: Historical Figures>