Examining Your Real Intent

The scripture tells that where your treasure is, so will your heart be also. So today I’d like to ask you, “Where is your treasure? Just what are the most important things that you draw near to?”
If we’d ask almost anyone, they would say they are a Christian and, of course, everyone who goes to church would surely say they love God. Buy how do we know? We sing our songs in church about our praises to God and our service to Him.
Let’s take a test and see what has been most important to you in the last ten days:
• Did you read your Bible at least seven our of the ten days; not just devotionals, but God’s Word, say fifteen minutes or more?
• Did you pray before each meal you’ve eaten at least 90% of the time in the last week?
• Have you asked God to forgive you of some of your unrighteous sinful ways, attitudes, words, bad thoughts and gossip you’ve allowed in your life in the last three days?
• Have you prayed and asked God for direction, wisdom to live by and protection? Have you spent time in prayer at some point daily in the last ten days, each day? Not just a few words but meditating on God, talking and listening?
• In five of the last ten days, how many times have you personally told God “thank you” and praised Him and told Him you love Him and took time to listen for Him to speak to you?
If you are honest, you’ll see just where your true treasure is by the amount of time you’ve given to God when He gave you everything.
Self-examinations are vital- constantly. We live in a sin-filled world and it will demand our time, but it can’t be where our real treasure is. The things of this world will need our attention, but only after we have given God His.