Christianity vs Religion

There is a big difference. We no longer can put Christianity and religion in the same box. There is becoming a wider gap. The reality is that our world is changing. Political correctness has replaced truth.

So what are some of the differences? Some we’ve always known, yet more are rising on the scene every day. Let’s look at Christianity vs. Religion.



Represents Christ

Exchanges love for power

Defies the Law of Religion

Operates under God’s authority

Is despised by the religious

Exchanges the heaviness of guilt for mercy

Offers truth in every form

Knows nothing but grace

Offers eternal peace

Offers the only way to Jesus

Is held together by faith and love

Is for the rejected by all others

Can never fail the person who embraces it fully

Is the ultimate power over all others

Truly heals a broken soul

Christianity says there is only one way to God.

Is established by God and stands alone

Is what religions can never be – free

Will exist when religion is no more

Can stand in the path of evil and face it down

Is the result of a loving God to humanity

Stands against Satan and he fears its power

Never attacks but always expresses itself in righteousness and what is true

Exposes the false in its pretenders

Will not lie but represents the truth

Won’t fail man when man fails it

Will stand the test of time

Relies on God while religion relies on man

Stands alone; separate from all others

Exists to serve God and His purpose

Has only the one true God





Doesn’t cause many to fear hell



Breeds bondage

Has no authority

Waters down Christianity

Tries to steal the authority of Jesus

Creates only a form of Godliness

Steals the Joy of Christ

Works against evangelism

Allows negativity toward God

Works against God’s Word

Brings confusion

Destroys relationships

Puts yokes on people

Splits churches and destroys ministry

Brings legalism to people

Is Godless

Puts people under the Law and brings fear

Ruins faith

Welcomes any god (and has many)

Ignores righteousness

Weakens the Trinity

Will send people to hell

Paints an unrealistic view of Heaven

Tries to impress God

Serves its own purposes

Whose banner do you fall under? There’s only one True God. The way you choose to live your life will place you under one or the other.

Categories: The Christian Life>