Blessed Are Those Who Do Not Go Their Own Way

(Psalms 5:12)
“For You oh Lord will bless the righteous,
with favor You will surround him as with a shield.”
Every one of us is called to be about doing what God intended when He sent us here to be born; to live out an allotted amount of time to accomplish our purpose before our next move into eternity. Some miss their calling because they get caught up in this world’s system that will detour us if we try to hold on to it.
There are a few who step up and answer the call. They see beyond this world and have accepted in their hearts a reason to look beyond and build for another kingdom that is coming, like this man who was born in 1792. They said he had the ability to shock both the saint and the sinner. His methods were sometimes considered radical for the times, and he was criticized continually.
This man was 30 years old when he finally embraced Christianity for what it was and could be to him. He gave up a successful law profession in order to spread the gospel.
He is considered to be maybe the most effective revivalist of the nineteenth century, as well as one of the great leaders of what was known as the second great awakening. It is said to have seen 250,000 souls converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was married three times, began pastoring the Second Free Presbyterian Church in New York City, helped establish a college, and finished his pastoring at the First Congregation Church in Oberlin.
He pastored as the Civil War tore at the United States of America. He traveled and led great revivals abroad. He died of a heart attack in 1875.
We might not all be called to be someone like Charles Finney, but we are called to be who God intended us to be. Are you making efforts to really serve what God’s selected you for, or for what you want to do?