Balancing the Sin Budget

Over and over, much talk goes up from the political forces of our day on how they think we should have a balanced budget. Both sides believe their plans are the best, and much negotiating goes on and on until a compromise is reached.
Long ago, sin entered this world because mankind gave in to temptation from Satan and our own weak fleshly desires. A compromise would not fit then, and it won’t fit today, when it comes to balancing this nation’s budget.
Only a true heart change can have a lasting effect on any decision made, personal or governmental. For mankind’s heart to truly be free from sin, a “starting over” process would need to take place.
In God’s realm, for an individual to have a fresh start, completely forgiven from the debt of sin, they would repent and be born again.
God chose Jesus, His Son, to be the only mediator between Himself and all mankind. When Jesus agreed to become sin and die, mankind’s sin debt could be erased.
There was no compromise on the table. The decision to change by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior frees mankind from the debt of sin.
Turn your life over to Jesus, and you will no longer owe a sin debt. Your eternal budget will be balanced and will be marked “PAID” by the Lord Jesus Christ. All you have to do is accept God’s gift and live a changed life.