Am I Too Busy?

Yes, life is busy, and lots of people have their plate full most days. Watch people, examine their lives, and you will see what matters to them the most.

The things that are important, lessons, housework, activities, and sports are the things that control their time. How much time do we spend with God on a daily basis?

We allow business to rob us of so much of our time, meaning and purpose. Yes, we all have lots to do with families, work and commitments, but we still prioritize our time with what we think is important.

Many people live very busy lives. Dr. Howard Kelly, considered by many to be one of the most famous medical doctors, a pioneer in the field of gynecology and radium therapy, was also a surgeon and published over 20 scientific books and hundreds of medical articles to advance his field of medicine during his lifetime.

Yet, when asked his secret of knowledge, he replied that he rose at 6:00 a.m. each morning, prayed and studied God’s Word until 8:00 a.m. He spent time, however brief, during the day, and always after the evening meal, in God’s Word. Here was a very busy man, yet his success of greatness came not from his medical practice, but from the time he set aside for God.

Many great leaders contribute their success not from their positions in life but from their relationship and time with God. That is the most important use of our time and is the most important position we can have while here on earth.

We can only enjoy success, fully live out our life’s potential and know God’s will for our lives when we spend time with Him.

Categories: The Christian Life>