A Man of Character

Born in Delaware, Ohio, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1865-67. As the governor of Ohio, he supported the currency, advocating that it be backed with gold. In 1876, he won the Republican nomination for President.
He brought dignity and honesty to the Presidency, and his wife Lucy promptly banished liquor and wine from the White House. During his administration he supported civil service reform.
This President and First Lady said prayers with their family every morning. The First Lady also brought morning prayers to the White House. On Sunday evenings cabinet members and congressmen joined in the evening hymns, singing with the President and his wife.
This President said, speaking on Jesus Christ, “I am a firm believer in the divine teachings, perfect example, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I believe also in the Holy Scriptures as the revealed word of God to the world for its enlightenment and salvation.”
The nation has an outstanding heritage of some great presidents who, with all their being, knew the God of the Bible and believed that this great Creator of our universe gave them the opportunity to be used to touch a nation and other parts and places of the world for His greater plans and purposes. God has chosen each one of us to make our mark for Him on society as He did with Rutherford B. Hayes, our nineteenth president.