Why Look to Man's Solutions when God's Work?
Why does mankind seem to think they have the answers to the problems our Lord can face for us? How is it that a human being who is only on Earth for a short time- most of us less than 90 years- seems to have answers to the questions that were faced by generation after generation?
Who is a man or woman that they think they’re greater and know more than their Creator?
It’s a constant mess as people try to run a nation, a state, a country or a city without the true acknowledgement of God in our society. This country was founded on biblical principles by some who had very little education, but they knew how to rely on God.
Psalms 39:11 says man’s life here is but a mere breath in time, yet for some reason (usually pride) they seem to think they know enough to rule over others and make decisions that will govern others’ lives from their own human understandability.
Proverbs 3:6 tells all of us to acknowledge God in all of our decisions, and He will make your path straight. It goes on to say in verse 7, “Do not be wise in your own eyes,” but we seem to think we are.
Who is mankind that they think they know more than God? But many do because they continue to make decisions without God’s council. They may say a prayer here or there, but do not seek God’s will and ways.
God is nobody’s political or religious pawn. He is who He is, and if our leaders would truly humble themselves and call upon God for answers in His way, then they’d know just what to do about any issue.
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9.