We Are Being Warned

I wonder how many people are considering what’s going on in the world around us. Day by day God is trying to send messages all across the earth to alert people that the time is very near for the great return we’ve heard about for many years: the day when Jesus arrives.

You’d have to be so caught up in the world not to notice the constant, in-your-face sinfulness that now parades itself in public life, television and politics. The list is endless and is getting longer. The world I grew up in is gone, and it is never coming back, because we are now headed for the showdown.

God has been trying to get our attention for some time now. A few months ago, a great gray whale was discovered off Israel’s coast in the Mediterranean Sea. What’s the big deal, you say? There has never been a gray whale, that anyone can confirm, in the Mediterranean Sea. The thirty-foot long, twenty-ton whale had to swim around the polar ice caps from the Pacific Ocean to get there. This sighting was confirmed by several oceanic agencies. (You may check this out online.)

Jesus tells those who ask about a sign of the end times. The Bible describes two similar incidences. Remember Jonah? He says the sign we will get is the sign of the Prophet Jonah.

Now there is a fish story! Then we have experienced earthquakes not only in the United States, but also in the oceans. The aftereffects of these ocean earthquakes can create a major catastrophe on and in the landmasses that border them.

The economy and the court rulings are also mentioned in the Bible. Jesus warns of a great spiritual disease that takes over the people. They are unable to make accurate decisions and no longer have common sense. The people turn to themselves, forget God and have depraved minds. Are we witnessing crazy rulings by our judges?

We need to pay attention to the happenings around us, read our Bible and stay close to God. Only those who are listening will hear His call.