The Intent of the Heart

There is a big difference in doing what we want to do and in doing what God wants us to do. Many people seem to pass off actions or decisions as doing God’s will, but in reality they are really doing something they want to do.
To do things God’s way isn’t always so easy. Sometimes the intentions of your heart may be challenged. When I’m speaking of the heart, I’m not speaking of the heart that pumps blood through our bodies sustaining life. I’m talking about our inner heart, the part of us that only God sees and knows—our soul.
Doctors can’t remove and replace this inner heart. This is the part of us that will determine, for every person, if they truly gave their lives over to Jesus or if they chose to keep it for themselves.
Mankind will never die because of the spiritual organ God has placed in each one of us. This is our true heart. When we make a promise or meet certain people, we have an intent or reason why we say or do what we do.
God knows better than anyone else if we are sincere in our actions, motives and promises. Are we seeking personal gain or someone’s attention?
Nothing we say or do can pass by God. He knows the exact truth of the matter.
Remember: when we pray, God will always be able to see any underlying doubt or untruth. Only complete truthfulness will lead to complete peace. God can accomplish many things when He has an honest and open heart to work with.