God Has No Limit

God Has No Limit

There is absolutely nothing that can be presented to God that He is not able to handle. In every situation, no matter how small, the first thing we need to do is contact God and ask Him to direct us to the people and places where answers lie.

Proverbs 19:8 says, “He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.” We in ourselves do not have all the answers, but in reality, God does have people who do, and if we seek God and spend time with Him in His Word, He will be more and more active in directing us to answers in one form or another.

God is never limited in His resources or people available if you seek it. Matthew 7:8 says, “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be open.”

The same God who put the universe in order can also put your life in order. He may challenge your beliefs at times- not for His benefit but for yours- to check the faith you have or spiritual maturity to see what you really know about His Word.

Bottom line- God is never limited to our ways or our assignments. We are to find and follow His ways, for all He has for us applies to every situation our lives will ever experience.

We can depend on God’s ways, for His resources are unlimited to accomplish every detail that concerns your life and all those that you will ever affect. Only you can put limits on what is best for your life because God’s economy is different than ours.

Categories: Prayer>