Global Warming?

More and more people follow the idea of the earth getting warmer and warmer. There could be something to this, but keep in mind this world is in the ultimate control of God. This world just didn’t happen by accident like some want you to believe.
For instance: the earth is approximately 93 million miles away from the sun. Scientists agree that this is the optimum distance when considering the intensity of our sun. What would happen if the earth were closer to the sun? Or if the earth were further away? What are the odds that the earth would just happen to fall into the optimum orbit? If the earth were any closer to the sun we would die from the heat, and if the earth were any further from the sun we would freeze!
Now consider this: of all the elements and compounds on the earth, water is the only substance that expands when it freezes. Nobody knows why. So what would happen to this earth if water contracted like all the other compounds when frozen? And what are the odds that this could happen by accident?
If water contracted when frozen, ice would sink and the bottoms of all the oceans would freeze layer upon layer until the earth would eventually freeze solid! We would die!
And consider this: the sun is one of the smallest and coolest and least intense stars in the universe. What if the earth had fallen into orbit around a star that is much hotter than our sun? Or, what are the odds that the earth would just happen to fall into orbit around this particular star. If the earth had fallen into orbit around a star that is much hotter than our sun, we would die from the heat!
So if any one of these vital links were to fail, we would all perish! The chances that any one of these indisputable scientific facts could happen by accident are so infinitesimal that they can’t be calculated!
The Bible says in 1 Samuel 2:8, “For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s and He has set the world upon them.” Yes, it may be getting warmer; maybe it’s because we’re getting closer to the end of time and hell draws near. Yes, there is going to be a real global warming, for God said the next time He destroys the earth it will be with fire. Have you made plans to leave this world for heaven before that day?